Lava Crowns

Advances in dental technology have paved the way to a new "all-porcelain crown", otherwise knows as Lava or zirconia crowns. Previously, cosmetic dentists relied on full porcelain crowns to create beautiful anterior teeth. However, all porcelain crowns lack the strength needed for most cases, resulting in clinicians opting for porcelain fused to metal when required. With the materials available today, Dr. Donia can create or restore your smile using lava crowns to create an aesthetic look while following the necessities of aesthetic appeal and function for your new smile.

Lava crowns (and bridges) can be used for several different reasons:

  • Replacing old porcelain fused to metal ( eliminating the black line seen where the gum meets the crown)
  • Patients with allergy concerns ( i.e nickel, metals, palladium)
  • Restoring a tooth that needs additional strength but an aesthetic look.

Are you considering a crown restoration, or have a concern as listed above? We encourage you to set up an appointment with Dr. Donia so he may determine what the best option for you is in regards to function, aesthetics, and material choice. Dr. Donia works closely with da Vinci Lab to create beautiful lava crowns. Together, Dr. Donia and the technicians work to create a custom-fabricated zirconia crown, personally for you and your smile.

Lava zirconia crowns utilize CAD/CAM technology to create a tooth-colored zirconia coping and then has porcelain applied on top to create a natural, translucent tooth. Zirconia is a high-tech dental material that has outstanding stability and biocompatibility while serving its aesthetic needs.