Worn Down Teeth

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Worn down teeth makes you look older
Make your smile young again ...

As we get older, it is natural that our teeth begin to discolor, break down, and show signs of aging, which ultimately make us appear older. There are two things that make your teeth look old: a dull color and a ground-down edge. Have you ever heard of that old saying, "You can tell a horse's age by its teeth?" Unfortunately, there is some truth to this.

Have you ever admired the beautiful, white, and shapely teeth of a younger person's smile? In some, you can clearly see the delicate contour where the upper front teeth edges are not a straight line across Instead the two front central teeth are slightly longer than the adjacent teeth.

As we age, the wear and tear of chewing or grinding slowly diminishes these more youthful contoured edges. More often than not, by the age of 35, signs of wear become more apparent, actually make us look older than what our "true" age may be.

The good news is that we can give your smile a "facelift" without surgery. A youthful look can be achieved by simply adding slightly to the length of your teeth with bonding or veneers.

Over the years, Dr. Donia has had a number of patients report similar reactions from friends: "You look so great, so much younger, so well-rested, what did you do? ... Did you have a face lift? Did you lose weight? Change your hair color?" In reality, all that was done were a few minor adjustments to their smile that made them appear younger, and more youthful ... with the help of cosmetic dentistry.

To change your smile and restore its youthfulness can be such a subtle change, but it can take years off your appearance. Now is your chance to turn back the hands of time and get that smile you once had.

If you would like to see examples, please visit our gallery of your future smiles.