Metal Free Dentistry

gummy smileFor years the typical material for fillings was amalgam (silver). This created a dark unattractive filling, that only worsened with time, and left much to be desired. As the amalgam fillings age, they oxidize, making them turn black,  with a black stain leeching into the surrounding enamel, further creating a dark cast on the treated teeth.

Advances in dental materials today allow dentists such as Dr. Donia to replace these old fillings with tooth-colored composite material. In fact, Dr. Donia has not placed an amalgam filling in more than 20 years! These composite tooth-colored fillings are a stronger, safer and more attractive alternative to metal fillings. In addition, composite fillings are color-matched to your own natural teeth, allowing them to blend naturally with your smile.

Indirect inlays/onlays

For longer-lasting results, lab-processed inlays or onlays could be indicated. Inlays can be used to restore a tooth that has been damaged or decayed. It usually lies on top of the biting surface of the tooth, or can be embedded between the bumps (cusps) of the teeth. Some of the benefits of using inlays in treatment are:

- Conserve natural tooth structure
- Choose from a variety of custom -matched tooth colors
- Add natural strength to the remaining natural tooth structure

Lava crowns

For teeth that need to be restored with a full coverage type of restoration, lava crowns can be used. Lava crowns rely on a zirconia coating that has a similar strength threshold to metal, but without the unattractive look or adverse reactions that could be associated with it. Zirconia is 100% biocompatible, and is overlaid with beautiful porcelain to mimic your own natural teeth. To read more about lava click here.

Health concerns & allergies

If you are considering redesigning your smile and would like to go metal-free, there are options that Dr. Donia can review with you to determine what would be best. Zirconia-based crowns can offer strong, beautiful, and natural results.

Health concerns about mercury toxicity and other possible allergic reactions have increasingly attracted more and more attention and study, and our office can determine what metal-free restorations will best restore your function and smile.

To see more examples of metal-free dentistry that Dr. Donia offers, please visit our gallery of your smiles.