Cosmetic Dental Makeover

If your quality of life is affected by the quality of your smile, then it may be time to think about treating yourself to a cosmetic dental makeover. A cosmetic dental makeover can do wonders in improving confidence and happiness for an individual who is embarrassed by his or her smile.

First impressions are increasingly important, in both personal and professional situations, and your smile is the first thing people see. When measuring standards of beauty, many of us look to celebrities to find that mark. Having a gorgeous smile that everyone can admire is part of their profession, and possibly yours! TV stars and other celebrities have treated themselves to cosmetic dental makeovers for years; why not allow yourself the opportunity to find your smile?

Dr. Donia has helped many finally achieve the smile they have dreamed of over the past 25 years, and takes great pride in seeing his patients leave his office with joyful tears and a gleaming smile. Dr. Donia and his staff will work closely with you to provide your own unique cosmetic dental makeover.

The process

A cosmetic dental makeover can involve one procedure, or a combination of many, to create the smile you want. Before proceeding with any cosmetic procedure it's important to get an idea of what you hope for. The process can start right at your own bathroom mirror. Take a look at your smile; are you happy with what you see? Ask yourself what you would like to improve:

Do you like the color of your teeth? Are you missing any teeth or are they crooked or crowded? Do you feel that your bite is off? Do you want a fuller smile so you don't see a black space between the inner cheek and teeth? Would you like them straighter?

During your initial consultation, Dr. Donia will discuss your dental concerns and review any pictures that have been taken of your smile, or ones you brought in to the office. From there, Dr. Donia can create a computer simulation of your future smile, and utilize diagnostic tools such as wax-up models to create a mock-up of your new smile in 3-D. After confirming that you would be happy with his design, you will be scheduled for your first treatment date.

Please keep in mind that your cosmetic dental makeover will be unique to you and your needs. In some cases a treatment of Invisalign might be needed to straighten the teeth before putting on veneers, or possibly just a bleaching. Other treatments may entail implant placement before restorative work can be done. Because cosmetic dental makeovers can be very complex, it is very important to go to a reputable cosmetic dentist who has the experience, the care, and the eye of an artist to truly help you find your smile.

You can use these links to learn more about the many procedures that can assist in a cosmetic dental makeover.